Tonight there will as usual be 15 questions and as usual the scoring per question will be:
1st in gets 5 points
2nd gets 4 points
3rd gets 3 points
4th gets 2 points
and 5th gets 1 point
You MUST use the hashtag #MondayMusicQuiz when answering or your answer will not appear in my timeline and therefore not counted.
There is no THEME this week, instead there is a HIDDEN SONG BONUS.
A word from the answers to the questions will form part of the HIDDEN SONG title. There will be FIVE hidden songs each made up of three words in the answers to the questions.
If you guess a song title, tweet it using the hashtag #MMQSONGS ~ if you just tweet it using the #MondayMusicQuiz hashtag you are just letting others see the song and not placing it in the correct column ~ #MMQSONGS ~ so you might be beaten to it by giving it away using the wrong hashtag. Titles appearing with only the #MondayMusicQuiz hashtag are NOT counted.
First player in with each SONG gets FIVE bonus points.